Tuesday, May 28, 2013

BJSS Is The Place To Be For Budding Athletes

BEING at the Bukit Jalil Sports School (BJSS) has helped many young budding athletes and for Saarvin Chinathamby, the school is truly a blessing for him and his fellow athletes.

Saarvin whose events are the 800m and 1,500m says that whilst in high school, students who were active in sports were left to fend for themselves where academics were concerned.

“It was difficult if we were left behind in our studies, but here at BJSS, we have a different schedule, even teachers have a different approach when it comes to teaching, so it really helps us to cope and excel”

This sentiment is shared with his fellow athletes 19-year-old Tan Wei Heng and 18-year-old Jeeventhiran Victor. To them, entering BJSS has done wonders for their athletic performance as well.

Wei Heng clocked his personal best for his 800m event at 1:53.91sec within three years of training with the school.

The three of them are currently being coached by A.Trapedi and Coach S. Entheran who they say is very supportive where their performance and education are concerned.

“They try to help us, especially where education is concerned. They help us look into different university programmes, and what they have to offer,” Saarvin said.

As for now, Saarvin who has just finished his pre-university course at BJSS is looking to do accountancy at the Universiti Putra Malaysia, while Wei Heng is interested in education.

- See more at: http://www.sports247.my/2013/05/bjss-is-the-place-to-be-for-budding-athletes/#sthash.L4KNEu0L.dpuf

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